株式会社BeOnTop(以下、「当社」といいます)は、次の態勢に基づき、マネー・ローンダリングおよびテロ資金供与 (以下、「マネー・ローンダリング等」といいます)の防止に取り組みます。
当社は、マネー・ローンダリング等防止の重要性を認識し、関連する法令等を遵守すべく、社内のマネー・ローンダリング等を防止する態勢を整備しま す。
当社は、本人確認について適切な措置を適時に実施できるよう、役職員に指導・研修を実施し、マネー・ローンダリング等防止について周知徹底を図り ます。
当社は、テロリスト等に対する資産凍結等の措置に係る確認について適切な措置を適時に実施できるよう、役職員に指導・研修を実施し、マネー・ロー ンダリング等防止について周知徹底を図ります。
当社は、疑わしい取引が行われたと認識した場合、役職員が適切な措置を適時に実施できるよう、役職員に指導・研修を実施し、マネー・ローンダリン グ等防止について周知徹底を図ります。
コンプライアンスオフィサー:玉城 洋樹
東京都葛飾区宝町1-26-6 ビラカーサお花茶屋402
TEL :03-5654-7522
BeOnTop Inc.
We, BeOnTop Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “BeOnTop”) will work to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism (hereinafter referred to as “Money Laundering”) by implementing the following policies.
*Basic Principle*
BeOnTop recognizes the importance of preventing money laundering, and therefore will comply with
international and domestic laws and establish appropriate policies.
BeOnTop will stipulate roles and internal controls within the company.
*Customer Due Diligence*
*•*Mizuho Bank will implement and maintain appropriate measures to conduct customer due diligence.
*•*Management will train employees in matters related to the prevention of money laundering so that employees
can implement immediate and appropriate measures for customer due diligence.
*Confirmation of measures for freezing assets**
•*BeOnTop will implement and maintain measures to confirm assets which are frozen in relation to terrorist
***•*BeOnTop will train employees in matters related to the prevention of money laundering so that employees can
implement immediate and appropriate measures for confirming assets frozen in relation to terrorist activities.
*Reporting of Suspicious Transactions*
*•*BeOnTop will implement and maintain measures for handling suspicious transactions.
*•*BeOnTop will immediately report suspicious transactions to relevant authorities.
*•*BeOnTop will implement immediate and appropriate measures for handling suspicious transactions.
*•*BeOnTop will train employees in matters related to the prevention of money laundering so that employees can
implement immediate and appropriate measures for handling suspicious transactions.
*Compliance Checks*
BeOnTop will check the adequacy of the Anti–Money Laundering Policy and compliance with the Policy, and
continuously improve internal controls based on the outcomes of these checks.
*Responsible department*
BeOnTop Inc.
Compliance officer:Hiroki Tamashiro
101 Shanguri-ra 5-25-2 Yotsugi Katushika-ku,Tokyo-to,Japan.